I Love Shoes and Things and I Am Unapologetic

So last night I had dinner at Granville Island with friends (and with alot of Kir Royale) and I wore my HOT SHOES. Yes, the silver metallic Kenneth Cole Reaction sandals which I have previously blogged about. So, anyways, my feet were looking hot so I thought Byron should admire then and helpfully stuck my foot in his lap to show them off. He was like, "Whooa. Nice shoes. Maybe you should, you know, BLOG about them."

I mean, OUCH. Whatever, it's MY blog, and if I want to wax poetic about shoes, or write a treatise that very badly tries to combine shoe shopping with Coleridge, well, dammit, I'm going to do it. And for someone who doesn't blog, Byron was awful scathing about my choice of topics.

Well, too bad. I'm gonna blog about my cool shoes and my cruiser bike. I might even blog about how much I love Sephora.com and picking cute little perfume samples at the checkout screen, and waiting for my black and white box to show up with all my bee-yoo-tiful makeup purchases, and yes, maybe I am a lip gloss whore but at least I shop online for the best deals. So there. I might even change the name of my blog to "Dani Likes Shopping for Girly Things and Occasionally Talking about Politics and the State of the World and Same-Sex Marriage and Environmentalism and Reviewing Theatre but Mostly She Likes to Talk About Shopping," I will.

Am I shallow?

Hell yes. With great shoes.