Guest Post by Woodwardsmile: Wrasslemania - Woodwards Holiday Tweetup!

This is a special post for the Vancouver Twitter crowd. Reaia, Dani and I live at Woodward’s and we’ve decided to organize a tweetup at La Casita’s across the street. We want to connect with people in the neighbourhood! And what better way to make a memorable first impression than with some good old fashioned wrestling?


1.What is a Tweetup?

A Tweetup is an event where people on Twitter meet in person. It is open to everyone on Twitter and showing up without notice is acceptable.

2. Who is Reaia?

Reaia is a working professional with many interests.

3. Who is Dani?

Dani is a performer, tech lawyer and blogger. You can find more about her at Dan With A Twist

4. Who is Zoe?

Zoe is a blogger.

5. Is the Woodward’s Tweetup only for people who live there?

NO! The Woodward’s Holiday Tweetup is open to everyone who lives, works or playsin and around Woodward’s. “In and around” can be loosely thought of as a one mile radius around Woodward’s which includes Gastown, Chinatown, Crosstown, Railtown, the DTES, and parts of downtown, Yaletown and False Creek.

5. What’s with the wrestling theme?

I thought it was really funny.

6. Are you guys really going to “wrassle” people who come to the Tweetup?

Yes. But, having said that, I do want to emphasize that wrestling is optional. We don’t want people to be discouraged from attending because they are reluctant to fight.

7. What is the hashtag for this event?


I really want to encourage you to come to this tweetup, especially if you’ve never been to one before. You’ll find that Reaia, Dani and I are outgoing but gentle people, and we have different personalities, which means chances are good that you’ll like at least one of us.

If you are planning to come, please leave a comment on this post or message one of us Twitter!




See you at La Casita’s!