On Balance

Oh, poor neglected little blog.  Here you've sat with nary a post to be had for months on end.

The thing is, I've been kinda busy.  Actually, really busy.

At the beginning of 2013, I set myself a number of goals.  One of them involved increasing my participation in quality, challenging musical productions.   It's been wonderful to actually accomplish that:  with Assassins, Spamalot, Brief Encounters and A...My Name is Alice.  But, I'm tired.  Between rehearsals, shows, one-off concerts and performances, learning how to play ukulele and accordion in record time, my passion is beginning to feel like...well, work.    And some of the other goals I had set for myself, with regards to my health, my professional growth, my relationships with friends and family, have suffered as a result of this focus on performance.

So, in the name of balance, it's time for a break.  At least until the end of the year.  I want to see how it feels when I have to choose what I do in the evening, rather than simply consulting my rehearsal schedule to see where I have to be, and when.  To read a book.  Take a dance class.  Cook a meal.  Have tea with a friend.  Pet my cat.  Re-align some of my priorities.

So, watch this space.  Hopefully I'll have some new adventures to report, soon.